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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Policies and Regulations

Telehealth laws and licensure requirements for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Policies and Regulations

Telehealth Laws

The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) does not currently have laws on telehealth overall but does define “teledentristry” in law.

CNMI defines “teledentistry” as the delivery of dental health care and patient consultation through the use of telehealth systems and technologies, including live, two-way interactions between a patient and a dentist licensed in the CNMI using audiovisual telecommunications technology, or the secure transmission of electronic health records and medical data to a dentist licensed in the CNMI to facilitate evaluation and treatment of the patient outside of a real-time or in-person interaction. Prior to engaging the use of teledentistry, a dentist must demonstrate to the Board that 1) there is limited access to dentistry services in the intended community; and 2) must enter a written collaborative agreement with each dental therapist who will be performing services under the dentist’s direct supervision using teledentistry.

Licensure Requirements

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Laws, Rules and Regulations

In CNMI, there are no specific telehealth licensure requirements. See the Health Care Professions Licensing Act of 2007 (PDF) for additional information.

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Contact the Licensing Board

CNMI Board of Professional Licensing / Health Care Professions Licensing Board

P.O. Box 502078
Saipan, MP 96950

Public Health Emergency (PHE) Status and Waivers

CNMI has not renewed their COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (NO.2020-10).